Thursday, July 31, 2008


well we have been pulling TONS of cucumbers out of the garden. we are going to have SOOOO many pickles. the calendula is doing very well too, i have lots of it drying in the kitchen and dining room. i picked 2 cabbages out of the garden and i'm attempting to make sauerkraut, man is it going to be stinky around here for a while! oh well it'll be good when it is done. there are butternut squashes, acorn squashes, pumpkins and watermelons all growing in the garden yummy. i went to the farmers market here in town and met a couple who run a chemical free farm just down the road. very cool. we may stop by for a visit and get some veggies to can. next year we definitely need to expand our garden. good thing this year was the "learning" year. we started our first year of homeschool this week. it's going well. i think bubby really likes it. he is very smart and very interested.

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